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Kết quả từ 2 từ điển
Từ điển Việt - Anh
nhất trí
[nhất trí]
Were they unanimous in money matters?
We are unanimous in our support for them; We gave them our unanimous support
unanimously; together; by common consent; of the same mind
The Committee unanimously approved the plan to spend 20% of the total annual budget on education and training development
He was chosen as a managing director by common consent
The directorate of the company is absolutely together on this issue; The directorate of the company is of the same mind about this issue
Singleness of mind; unanimity
Consensus politics
Từ điển Việt - Việt
nhất trí
tính từ
hoàn toàn giống nhau
nhất trí hợp tác
một lòng một dạ
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